What is Dynamic Canvas Studio? (1:04)
Why does Dynamic Canvas Studio matter? (1:17)
Why are you excited about introducing Dynamic Canvas Studio to the market? (1:12)
How does Dynamic Canvas Studio enhance Jivox’s DCO technology-based platform? (1:18)
The Unilever Foundry: Unicornetto with Viddsee & Jivox Case Study (3:13)
Unilever’s Unicornetto has won the Best Video Ad Campaign from The Drum’s Digital Advertising Awards APAC
Dynamic Video Advertising: What is Dynamic Cloud Video Rendering? (1:02)
Personalized DCO for Facebook and Instagram (1:46)
A Tip for Evaluating Personalization Platforms: Creative Flexibility (0:41)
Beet.TV Interview with Diaz Nesamoney
Dynamic Video Advertising: What Brands Need to Know (1:27)
The Importance of Rules When Evaluating Personalization
Platforms (0:33)
A Tip for Evaluating Personalization Platforms:
Experiment with Media Channels (0:38)
How to Start Thinking About Personalization (1:03)
Why Personalized Omnichannel Ads Boost Engagement (0:47)