“Jivox embraces the evolving needs of the modern brand, which faces disruption on many fronts — from the direct-to-consumer (DTC) revolution to the economic turmoil of the COVID pandemic — and for which the business performance for creative adtech has become a requirement, not a nice-to-have.”
The Forrester Wave™, Creative Advertising Technologies, Q4 2020
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What Innovators Are Saying About Personalization
“To be truly personalized with content, you must understand not only who you’re targeting, but also the setting that they’re in and the signals they’ve shared or relationship/conversation they’re developing with your brand.”
“Mindshare’s AI driven Programmatic Management Platform ANNA gets the Grand Prix [at The Drum DTA APAC Awards 2018]! Congratulations to the team and thanks to Jivox and AppNexus.”
“to implement a personalization strategy at scale…Our preferred dynamic creative platform is Jivox, as they offer the best technical capabilities and work with clients as a true partner.”
“Personalization is what we are all striving for in today’s world. If we can use data insights in a transparent, authentic way to cater to them, well then, we’ve hit the data jackpot.”
“Our Social Media click-through rate is four times the Salesforce benchmark for Facebook ads, and display CTR is 2.7 times the Google benchmark, using Jivox’s AI-driven personalization platform.”
“While personalized marketing messaging sounds like a digital affair…many marketing innovations are really invitations to look across the marketing mix using a comprehensive, omni-channel lens.”
“Jivox is providing a framework where we can bring our own AI to the platform… allowing us to move from audience targeting into audience engagement.”
“Personalization technology is game changing. Jivox extends this innovation to brands as they build a one-on-one experience with their customers.”