How Brands Are Driving Direct-to-Consumer Sales

Learn key strategies to thrive in the post-pandemic era.

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On-Demand Webinars

Retail Media Roundtable: Staying Ahead Of The Curve

Retail Media Roundtable: Staying Ahead Of The Curve

Growth is projected to skyrocket 135% between now and 2027 to account for over a quarter of US digital ad spend. But with any rapidly growing marketing channel, there are still things to figure out.

From E-Commerce To Retail Media: Monetizing Data With Automated Dynamic Creative Optimization

From E-Commerce To Retail Media: Monetizing Data With Automated DCO

Learn how Giant Eagle uses Jivox’s automated DCO capabilities to scale its retail media offering.

Optimization Over Creativity: How to Revolutionize Marketing with Data Insights begins in 15 minutes

Optimization Over Creativity: How to Revolutionize Marketing with Data Insights begins in 15 minutes

Discover why the superpower of your DCO is optimization, not more creativity.

Embracing Dynamic Creating Optimization for Business Growth

Embracing Dynamic Creating Optimization For Business Growth

Learn how can you ensure you set yourself up for success with smart solutions for production and advertising operations, such as omnichannel Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO).

DCO Automation ROI In Action webinar

DCO Automation ROI In Action

Learn how Jivox helps you quantify how you would recoup costs, create time for your teams or increase sales through DCO technology.

DCO Mastering Metrics: Drive Personalized Advertising Success with Automation

DCO Mastering Metrices

Learn to measure campaign success using personalized advertising automation designed for all levels of personalization experience.

DCO Masterclass: Automated DCO To ROI: From Art To Science

DCO Masterclass: Automated DCO To ROI: From Art To Science

Understand the science of calculating ROI in DCO technology and quantify your efforts.

3 Unbeatable Automated Personalization Capabilities To Scale, Save, & Succeed!

DCO Masterclass: 3 Unbeatable Automated Personalization Capabilities To Scale, Save, & Succeed!

Learn about DCO technology and how to scale your marketing campaigns, save time, and boost conversions.

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DCO Masterclass: Scaling Personalization From Crawl To Run

Learn to leverage DCO automation to accelerate ad campaign performance from best-in-class marketing experts.

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DCO Masterclass: How To Boost Sales With DCO And 1P Retail Data

Learn with Grivy, TheTradeDesk and Jivox, how brands can harness the power of dynamic creative with first-party shopper data and retail media.

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The Power Of Retail Media Tech: Bringing Advertising Automation To Retailers & Brands

Learn with The Trade Desk (TTD), Forrester and Jivox to leverage advertising automation to scale your use of retail media.

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DCO Masterclass: Automated Workflow (GCM)

Learn how using DCO can help you reduce manual labor by automating complex and time-consuming workflows.

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DCO Masterclass: The Power Of Automation

Learn how to pick the right DCO technology to personalize 1:1 advertising, email and web experiences at scale.

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How To Win With Commerce Media & Marketing

Shoppable, theTradeDesk and Jivox join a panel hosted by AdAge to uncover the essential technologies that can enable brands to accelerate e-commerce marketing.

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Personalize Shoppable Ads: Headless Commerce In Action

Learn how to automate the production of dynamic product ads with Shoppable® ad experience and generate purchase insights.

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How To Personalize Your Commerce Marketing With Feeds

Learn how feeds can power your data-driven personalized commerce marketing campaigns.

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DCO Masterclass: Building Creative Excellence With Automated Creative

Learn how you can automate the generation of personalized ad variations at scale with complete creative freedom.

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Personalize Shoppable Ads: Shifting from Cookies to Headless Commerce

Discover how you can personalize your Shoppable® ads with relevant messaging, products and offers in a post-cookie world.

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3 Most Effective Ways To Drive Sales With Personalized Digital Commerce Marketing

Discover key capabilities that enable the fastest path to sales with personalized digital commerce marketing.

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How To Excel In Your Privacy-First DCO Campaigns Using Identity And Data Clean Rooms

Learn how to navigate the challenges of third-party cookie deprecation, walled gardens, and privacy regulations to drive ROAS with DCO campaigns.

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Retail Media Webinar Part 2: How To Create The Path To Success

Our experts share insights on getting a head start and measuring the impact of a retail media implementation strategy.

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Retail Media Webinar Part 1: How To Win With First-Party Data

Unpack the discussion around the evolving retail media trend and its impact on e-commerce marketing strategies in 2022.

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DCO Masterclass: Shaping Actionable Insights from Your DCO Reports

Learn more about how to harness the data from your DCO campaigns to yield actionable insights and develop best practices over time.

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DCO Masterclass: Identity

In the third edition of the DCO Masterclass, our experts dive into identity and how third-party cookie deprecation will impact prospecting and retargeting campaigns.

 Implementing 1P Identity Part 1: Security Checklist

Implementing 1P Identity
Part 2: Security Checklist

Our experts discuss a security checklist that brands can use to navigate privacy regulatory compliances while running personalized campaigns.

DCO Masterclass

DCO Masterclass: Crafting Data Strategies for Personalization

Learn how to craft the right strategy across different product categories, brands and campaign objectives.

Implementing 1P Identity

Implementing 1P Identity
Part 1: Data Checklist

Delve into the key points every brand should have on its checklist to handle consumer data securely.

DCO Masterclass

DCO Masterclass: Building Creative Excellence in Automated Creative

Discover how DCO technology can automate creative generation without compromising creative freedom.

identity with privacy-enhancing-technology webinar

Implementing 1P Identity

Learn how to leverage Soc 2 Type 2 certified partners for securing consumer’s most precious asset–their data–in implementing first-party identity.

identity with privacy-enhancing-technology webinar

Identity and Privacy-Enhancing Technology

Get a deep dive into emerging compliance standards and how they will impact your personalized digital marketing campaigns.


Scale Your Personalized Video Ads for Connected TV

Learn how you can effectively scale personalization across CTV with creative automation and data.

The power of first-party identity webinar

The Power of First-Party Identity

Featuring Liveramp’s SVP Addressability and Ecosystem, Travis Clinger. An Adweek webinar on data and identity in a post-cookie world.


Identity And Personalization
In A Post-Cookie World

What marketers need to know as they transition to personalization without third-party cookies.


A Dummy’s Guide to Identity

Our experts talk about 1P identity, Unified ID, Liveramp IdentityLink, Jivox IQiD, Google’s FLoC, and more.


Maximizing the Benefits of DCO:
Going Self-Serve

Learn how to build internal self serve DCO teams & the best practices from Fortune 1000 Companies who have built such teams.


DCO: Quickstart 1:1
Personalized Campaigns

Learn how global brands launch 1:1 personalized campaigns across multiple sub-brands & markets in just a few days.


Dynamic Creative Optimization
(DCO) Accelerated

Featuring Joanna O’Connell, former VP, Principal Analyst Forrester. Learn how brands are making the shift from simple creative automation to 1:1 personalized e-commerce marketing using DCO.


Scaling with Dynamic
Creative Optimization

Learn how to use DCO to create and automate thousands of variations with just one ad.


How Brands are Driving
Direct-to-Consumer Sales

Featuring Atlassian’s CMO and Sun Basket’s Performance Marketing Director. An Adweek webinar on how brands are driving DTC sales post-pandemic.


Driving E-Commerce Success
With Personalization

Learn how dynamic creative and data-driven decisioning technologies enable brands to scale personalization for e-commerce marketing.


Personalize Digital Marketing
At Scale

Featuring guest speakers from leading brands such as Reynolds Consumer Products and LL Flooring’s. Get insight on navigating challenges to personalizing digital marketing at scale.


Three Keys To Personalize
E-Commerce Marketing

An Adweek Fireside Chat. Uncover the essential technologies that can enable brands to accelerate e-commerce marketing.


3 Strategies For Delivering ROI
With DCO

Learn how F1000 brands successfully used DCO technology to save creative production costs and boost media performance.

Let’s talk about how DCO can significantly save you production cost while boosting engagement.

Personalization expert