Privacy Policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand how Jivox, its subsidiary and affiliate corporations, successors, and assigns (collectively referred to as “Jivox”, “we”, “us” or “our”) uses and protects the information you provide. This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) applies to this World Wide Web site and any variations or successors to this Web site (, the “Jivox Site”), any Jivox computer software, accessible, downloadable or otherwise available from the Jivox Site (“Jivox Software”) and any Jivox services purchased or otherwise made available from the Jivox Site (“Jivox Services”) (collectively, the “Jivox Properties”). This Privacy Policy applies to all users (“Users”, “you” or “your”) of the Jivox Properties.


Jivox collects information about you directly from you and from third parties, as well as automatically through your use of the Jivox Properties.

Information We Collect Directly From You. You may browse certain areas of the Jivox Site without registering with us or providing us personal information. Prior to using one or more of the Jivox Properties, Jivox may require certain personal information to create an individual account (“Account”) or to enable features or functionality of the Jivox Properties, including without limitation: email addresses of company’s primary contact, billing contact, users with access; name of billing contact; address of users with access; phone number of users with access; photos of users with access; and company name for users with access. Failure to provide all required information required by Jivox may prevent access to any or all Jivox Properties, and failure to maintain accurate information may result in suspension or termination of access to any or all Jivox Properties.

Information We Collect Automatically. We may automatically collect the following information about your use of the Jivox Properties through cookies and other technologies: your domain name; your browser type and operating system; your connection speed; web pages you view; links you click; your IP address; your device ID; the length of time you visit the Jivox Site and or use the Jivox Properties; and the referring URL, or the webpage that led you to the Jivox Site and Jivox Properties. We may combine this information with other information that we have collected about you, including, where applicable, your user name, name, and other personal information.

Such information about your use of the Jivox Properties (e.g. your Internet browser, operating system, IP address, connection speed, and the domain name of your Internet service provider) may be gathered by the following methods:

  • Cookies. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive which work by assigning to your computer a unique number that has no meaning outside of the Jivox Site. Cookies do not generally contain any personally identifiable information. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually configure your browser to prevent this. Not accepting cookies may make certain features of the Jivox Properties unavailable to you. Currently, Jivox’s systems do not recognize browser “do-not-track” requests. You may, however, disable certain tracking as discussed in this section (e.g., by disabling cookies), but such disabling will impair use of Jivox Site and Jivox Properties.
    We use the following types of cookies:
    • Session Cookies. Session cookies exist only during an online session. They disappear from your computer when you close your browser or turn off your computer. Jivox uses session cookies to allow our systems to uniquely identify you during a session or while you are logged into the Site. This allows Jivox to process your online transactions and requests and verify your identity, after you have logged in, as you move through the Jivox Site.
    • Persistent Cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your computer after you have closed your browser or turned off your computer. Jivox uses persistent cookies to track aggregate and statistical information about user activity.
  • Device ID and Advertising ID. Device ID is a unique identifier that can be used to identify a mobile device. They can usually only be accessed via an app and not from the mobile web. Most recent devices also provision a resetable advertising ID that allows tracking and ad targeting without relying on an identifier uniquely married to the device. Jivox may use device ID and advertising ID, when available, to track aggregate and statistical information about user activity.
  • IP Address. You may visit many areas of the Jivox Site anonymously without the need to become a registered User. Even in such cases, Jivox may collect IP addresses automatically. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you begin service with an Internet service provider. Each time you access the Jivox Site and each time you request one of Jivox’s pages, the server logs your IP address.
  • Web Beacons. Web beacons are small pieces of data that are embedded in Web pages and e-mails. Jivox may use these technical methods in HTML e-mails that Jivox sends to Users to determine whether they have opened those e-mails and/or clicked on links in those e-mails. The information from use of these technical methods may be collected in a form that is personally identifiable information.
  • Tracking Content Usage. If you use the Jivox Services and you post audio-visual materials including, without limitation, text, logos, artwork, graphics, video, pictures, or sound (collectively, “Content“) to your Web site or to a third party Web site, Jivox tracks and captures Non- personally identifiable information associated with User Accounts and the use of Content.


  • Services. Jivox may use your information to provide the Jivox Site and Jivox Services to you, to communicate with you about your use of the Jivox Properties, to respond to your inquiries, to fulfill your orders, and for other customer service purposes.
  • System Administration. Jivox may use your information for the purposes of system administration, assisting in diagnosing problems with Jivox servers, monitoring Jivox’s system performance and traffic on the Jivox Properties and to gather broad demographic information about Jivox customers.
  • Personalization. Jivox uses cookies, device IDs, advertising IDs and IP addresses to track features such as delivering Content specific to your interests and informing you of new, relevant services or certain third party offerings.
  • Modeling. Jivox uses cookies, device IDs, advertising IDs and IP addresses in machine learning applications to optimize advertising campaigns.
  • Analytics. Jivox uses cookies, device IDs, advertising IDs and IP addresses to generate aggregate and statistical metrics.
  • Notices to Registered Users. If you have registered for an Account, Jivox may use your personally identifiable information to send e-mails regarding your registration, including confirmation to verify the accuracy of any information you have provided, and instructions on how to post Content. Jivox may also send you e-mails to verify your identity or to notify you if Jivox believes your use of Jivox Properties violates any applicable agreement for the use of the Jivox Properties.
  • Promotional E-mails. Jivox may use your personally identifiable information to send you e-mails periodically listing promotions or events relating to the Jivox Properties or from Jivox’s marketing partners or sponsors. You have the choice to opt-out of receiving such promotional e-mails by simply scrolling down in any such email and clicking on the “SafeUnsubscribe” link. Once Jivox has processed your opt-out request, Jivox will not send you promotional e-mails unless you opt back in to receiving such communications, including through implicit opt-ins when you download Jivox marketing assets from the Jivox website or attend Jivox hosted or sponsored events.
  • Product and Service Announcement E-mails. Jivox may use your personally identifiable information to send you e-mails periodically on Jivox product releases and service updates. You have the choice to opt-out of receiving such e-mails by sending an e-mail to [email protected]and/or following the instructions in such correspondence. Once Jivox has processed your opt-out request, Jivox will not send you product and service announcement e-mails unless you opt back in to receiving such communications.
  • Contact Information. If you contact Jivox by telephone, e-mail or letter, Jivox may keep a record of your contact information and correspondence. If you report a problem with the Jivox Properties, Jivox may collect this information in a file specific to you. You may contact Jivox at [email protected] to request the removal of this information from Jivox’s database.


Jivox may share your information, including personal information, as follows:

  • Affiliates. We may disclose the information we collect from you to our affiliates or subsidiaries solely for the purpose of providing Services to you; however, if we do so, their use and disclosure of your personally identifiable information will be maintained by such affiliates and subsidiaries in accordance with this Policy.
  • Service Providers. We may disclose the information we collect from you to third party vendors, service providers, contractors or agents who perform functions on our behalf.
  • Business Transfers. If we are acquired by or merged with another company, if substantially all of our assets are transferred to another company, or as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, we may transfer the information we have collected from you to the other company.
  • In Response to Legal Process. We also may disclose the information we collect from you in order to comply with the law, a judicial proceeding, court order, or other legal process, such as in response to a subpoena.
  • To Protect Us and Others. We also may disclose the information we collect from you where we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Service or this Policy, or as evidence in litigation in which we are involved.
  • Aggregate and De-Identified Information. We may share aggregate or de-identified or pseudonymized information about users with third parties and publicly for marketing, advertising, research or similar purposes.

We also collect and receive information about consumers on behalf of third parties to enable targeted advertising, modeling and analytics on the website(s) and application(s) that we support. The collection and use of that data is governed by the privacy policy and legal terms of the data collector and the website using the data; it is not governed by Jivox or this Privacy Policy.

Please note that except as noted above, Jivox will not sell or share your personal information with any third party for their direct marketing purposes without your consent.


Jivox allows users to request access to data collected about them and to opt-out of using data to customize advertisements.

  • Access, Change or Delete your Information. Upon request, Jivox will allow users to update or correct personal information previously submitted, but only to the extent such activities will not compromise privacy or security interests. Additionally, upon request, Jivox will delete personal information from the database where such information is stored; however, it may be impossible to entirely delete a User’s entry without some residual information being retained due to the manner in which data backups are maintained. Requests to delete personal information must be submitted to [email protected].
  • Opt-Out. Jivox allows users to opt out of having personalized advertisements served to them. Please note that opting out does not block ads, rather it implies that Jivox will not use your data to personalize the ad viewing experience. Please click here to manage your consent preferences.
  • Email Communications. We may send periodic promotional or informational emails to you. You may opt-out of such communications by following the opt-out instructions contained in the e-mail. Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for us to process opt-out requests. If you opt-out of receiving emails about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you e-mails about your Account or any Jivox Services requested or received from us.

Jivox protects your personal and financial information using various technologies and safeguards, including Secure Socket Layer (“SSL”), which is an encrypted communication protocol. SSL is a standard format for transmitting secure data from your computer to Jivox’s servers. SSL works by using a private key to encrypt data that is transferred over the SSL connection. You will know SSL is being used when you see “https” preceding a Web address, rather than “http.” Additionally, Jivox restricts employee access to databases containing personal and financial information, imposes confidentiality requirements upon employees who do have access to databases containing personal and financial Information, and binds subcontractors with contractual, technical and organizational measures. In order to most efficiently serve you, credit card transactions and billing may be handled by third party financial institutions, which may only use your Personal and Financial Information in connection with the business services they perform for Jivox and not for their own benefit or otherwise. All information they receive is via SSL.

Although Jivox uses reasonable efforts to safeguard the security of your personal and financial information, transmissions made on or through the Internet are vulnerable to attack and cannot be guaranteed to be secure. In addition, submissions made via e-mail are not protected by SSL technology and are vulnerable to interception during transmission. You hereby acknowledge that Jivox is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via the Internet, and you release Jivox from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of intercepted information.


The Jivox Properties may contain links to third parties who may collect personally identifiable information and Non- personally identifiable information directly from you. Additionally, Jivox may use third parties to provide components of the Jivox Properties. In either case, such third parties may have separate privacy policies and data collection practices, independent of Jivox. Jivox: (a) has no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions; (b) is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites; and (c) does not make any warranties or representations about the contents, products or services offered on such Web sites or the security of any information you provide to them.


Jivox continually strives to implement new technologies and processes to better protect you, your privacy and your use of the Jivox Properties. As a result, Jivox may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. In no event will these changes result in the degradation of any of the security measures designed to protect you from unauthorized disclosure, as such measures are described in this Privacy Policy.


For persons located in the European Economic Area (“EU and Swiss Data Subjects”), commencing on May 25th, 2018, we will process your personal information in accordance with the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Jivox is subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Jivox complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF), the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (Swiss-U.S. DPF) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Jivox has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (EU-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from the European Union and the United Kingdom in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Jivox has certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework Principles (Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles) with regard to the processing of personal data received from Switzerland in reliance on the Swiss-U.S. DPF. If there is any conflict between the terms in this privacy policy and the EU-U.S. DPF Principles and/or the Swiss-U.S. DPF Principles, the Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program, and to view our certification, please visit

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Jivox commits to cooperate and comply respectively with the advice of the panel established by the EU data protection authorities (DPAs), the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) with regard to unresolved complaints concerning our handling of human resources data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF, the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF, and the Swiss-U.S. DPF in the context of the employment relationship.

You should read the relevant laws and guidance from the regulatory authorities for a full explanation of your rights under the GDPR, but the following briefly summarizes some of these rights and how we handle them:

  • You have the right to confirmation as to whether or not we process your personal information and, where we do, access to the personal information, together with certain additional information.
  • You have the right to rectification of any inaccurate personal information about you and, taking into account the purposes of the processing, to have any incomplete personal data about you completed.
  • In some circumstances you have the right to the erasure of your personal information without undue delay.
  • In some circumstances you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal information. For example, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for direct marketing purposes). If you make such an objection, we will cease to process your personal information for this purpose.
  • You have the right to object to our processing of your personal information for scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes on grounds relating to your particular situation, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.
  • In certain circumstances, you have the right to receive your personal information from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. However, this right does not apply where it would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
  • If you believe our processing of your personal information violates data protection laws, you have a legal right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority responsible for data protection. You may do so in the EU member state of your habitual residence, or Switzerland if you are under Swiss regulations, your place of work or the place of the alleged violation.
  • In certain circumstances, you have the right to to invoke binding arbitration.
  • Jivox does not disclose personal data to third parties. Under certain circumstances, Jivox may be compelled to disclose your personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.
  • You may exercise any of your rights in this section in relation to your personal data by written notice to us at the addresses listed in Section K.

For EU and Swiss Data subjects, we rely on the following legal bases to process your personal information:

  • Performance of a contract: The use of your personal information may be necessary to perform the contract that you have with us or provide the service you ordered from us. For example, if you register to use our free trial and demo, we collect your information to administer your account and access to that free trial and demo.
  • Legitimate interests: We may use your information for our legitimate interests, such as to provide you with the best suitable content of the Sites, emails and newsletters, to improve and promote our products and services and the content on our Sites, and for administrative, fraud detection and legal purposes.
  • Consent: We may rely on your consent to use your personal information for certain purposes, including direct marketing purposes (such as email marketing). You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at the addresses at the end of this Privacy Policy. Withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing before the withdrawal.

We will only retain personal information from EU and Swiss Data Subjects as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the personal information was collected.

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Jivox commits to cooperate and comply respectively with the advice of the panel established by the EU data protection authorities (DPAs) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) with regard to unresolved complaints concerning our handling of human resources data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF in the context of the employment relationship.

In compliance with the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, Jivox commits to refer unresolved complaints concerning our handling of personal data received in reliance on the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF to JAMS ADR, an alternative dispute resolution provider based in the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and/or Switzerland.  If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your DPF Principles-related complaint from us, or if we have not addressed your DPF Principles-related complaint to your satisfaction, please visit for more information or to file a complaint.  The services of JAMS ADR are provided at no cost to you.

Jivox remains responsible for any of your personal information that is shared under the Onward Transfer Principle of the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF, with third parties for external processing on our behalf, as described in the “HOW JIVOX SHARES YOUR INFORMATION” section.


For persons located in California Region, commencing on January 1, 2020, we will process your information as per California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA). Jivox has registered itself as limited service provider by signing contract (LSPA) and operates under obligation/restrictions mentioned in LSPA:

  • In the event of an Opt Out and Publisher’s passing the Opt-Out Signal, Jivox shall serve in the limited capacity of, Service Providers on behalf of Publisher solely to perform their obligations with respect to the Covered Opt Out Transaction.
  • If Jivox receives an LSPA Transaction Signal designated “Yes” and an Opt-Out Signal designated “Yes,” it shall:
    • Confirm that the counterparties with which it transacts in connection with the Covered Opt Out Transaction (other than Subproviders) are Signatories by using the Signatory Identification List
    • Pass any Signals it receives from Publisher (or other Downstream Participants) to such counterparties and, if applicable, Subproviders with which it transacts in connection with the Covered Opt Out Transaction

Jivox, in any case, does not indulge itself in sale of user’s personal data. However, user can request access or deletion of personal information by submitting request with cookie id and (or) Mobile Ad ID to [email protected]. Details are listed in “USER CHOICE” section.


Jivox will transfer, store, and process information that Jivox collects about you, as described in this Policy, in the United States, which may not provide the same level of protection for your personal information as your home country. In addition, Jivox may further transfer your information outside the United States for the purposes described in this Policy. By submitting any personal information or by using the Sites, and without limitation to any other rights or obligations Jivox has, you consent to such transfer to, and processing in, the United States and these other countries, and acknowledge that your information may be subject to access by law enforcement and other government entities, including courts and tribunals, in accordance with laws applicable in those jurisdictions.


Use of the Jivox Properties is not intended for minors under the age of 18 (“Minors”). Minors are not authorized by Jivox to use the Jivox Properties, even if Minors set up an Account or accept the terms of any agreement for Jivox Properties. Jivox does not intentionally collect nor maintain any personally identifiable information from Minors. If you discover your Minor child has submitted his or her information to Jivox, you may request to have such information deleted from Jivox’s database by sending an e-mail request to [email protected] together with the e-mail address that was submitted by the Minor. Upon receiving the request, Jivox will use reasonable efforts to delete such information. If Jivox learns that a Minor is using the Jivox Properties, Jivox will require verified parental or guardian consent, in accordance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA“).


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy please contact Jivox by sending a letter or e-mail to:

Jivox Corporation
Attn: Privacy
1810 Gateway Blvd
San Mateo, CA 94404
[email protected]

Last updated August 2023



If you are based in one of these jurisdictions, Jivox Corporation is the controller of your personal data collected in the following instances:

  • When you visit our website or when you receive an ad from our ad servers.
  • When we process your personal data for sales and marketing purposes

Jivox Corporation is a processor of all personal data processed on the application, on behalf of our clients. We only process the personal data under their direction. Please contact your employer or the organization that granted you access to the application for details on their privacy practices.

We only process personal data if we have a lawful basis for doing so. The lawful bases applicable to our processing as controller are:

  • Consent: We will ask for your express and informed consent every time we collect your personal data on this legal basis.
  • Contractual basis: We process the personal data as necessary to fulfill our contractual terms with you or our clients.
  • Legitimate interest: We process the names, contact details, job titles, companies of our existing and prospective clients for our marketing purposes, including market research and sales leads generation.

You have the following rights under the GDPR:

  • Be informed about the collection and use of your personal data
  • Access your personal data
  • Correct errors in your personal data
  • Erase your personal data
  • Object to the processing of your personal data.
    • This right is also available to individuals whose personal data is processed by us for direct marketing purposes. If you object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we shall stop processing within 30 days of receipt of your request.
  • Export your personal data
  • Restrict our processing of your personal data for specific reasons, including any of the purposes supported by the legitimate interest legal bases (see the section above).

We process personal data in our AWS data centers in Ireland and share it with our service providers allowed under the respective DPAs of our advertisers. We use standard contractual clauses as the data transfer mechanism of transferring EU data to countries subject to data transfer requirements. See the table of our service providers.

You may contact us at [email protected] or you may contact our EU Data Representative at:
Shankar Venkataraman, Chief Data and Privacy Officer, [email protected]

You may also lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority, EU Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) or Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC). See their contact details here National Data Protection Authorities.


This section provides additional specific information for consumers based in California as required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”).


In the last 12 months, we have collected the following categories of personal information:

  • Identifiers, such as your name, mailing address, email address, zip code, telephone number or other similar identifiers
  • California Customer Records (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e)), such as username and password, company name, job title, business email address and department
  • Internet/network information, such as your browsing history, log and analytics data, information about the device(s) used to access the services and information regarding your interaction with our websites or services and other usage data
  • Geolocation data, such as information about your location (at country and city level) collected from your IP address
  • Sensory Information, the content, audio and video recordings of conference calls between you and us that we record where permitted by you and/or the law
  • Profession/employment information that you send to us when applying for a position included in your CV and cover letter
  • Other personal information, such as personal information you provide to us in relation to a survey, comment, question, request, article download or inquiry and any other information you upload to our application

We collect personal information directly from you, from your browser or device when you visit our websites, from third parties that you permit to share your information or from third parties that share public information about you, as stated above.

See the section above, “How We Use Personal Information,” to understand how we use the personal information collected from California consumers.


We share personal information with third parties for business purposes. The categories of third parties to whom we disclose your personal information may include: (i) our service providers and advisors, (ii) marketing and strategic partners; (iii) ad networks and advertising partners; (iv) analytics providers; and (v) social networks.

Please see the “How We Share Information” section of the Privacy Policy above for more information.


As a California resident, you may be able to exercise the following rights in relation to the personal information about you that we have collected (subject to certain limitations at law):

  • The right to know any or all of the following information relating to your personal information that we have collected and disclosed in the last 12 months (upon verification of your identity):
    • The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you
    • The categories of personal information we have collected about you
    • The categories of sources of the personal information
    • The categories of personal information that we have disclosed to third parties for a business purpose, and the categories of recipients to whom this information was disclosed
    • The categories of personal information we have sold and the categories of third parties to whom the information was sold, and
    • The business or commercial purposes for collecting or selling the personal information.
  • The right to request deletion of personal information we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions.
  • The right to opt-out of personal information sales to third parties now or in the future. However, we do not sell your personal information.

You also have the right to be free of discrimination for exercising these rights.

Please note that if exercising these rights limits our ability to process personal information (such as a deletion request), we may no longer be able to provide you with our products and services or engage with you in the same manner.


To exercise your right to know and/or your right to deletion, please submit a request by contacting us at [email protected]

We will need to verify your identity before processing your request. In order to verify your identity, we will generally require sufficient information from you so that we can match it to the information we maintain about you in our systems. Sometimes we may need additional personal information from you to be able to identify you. We will notify you.

We may decline a request to exercise the right to know and/or right to deletion, particularly where we cannot verify your identity or locate your information in our systems or as permitted by law.

You may choose to designate an authorized agent to make a request under the CCPA on your behalf. No information will be disclosed until the authorized agent’s authority has been reviewed and verified. Once an authorized agent has submitted a request, we may require additional information (i.e., written authorization from you) to confirm the authorized agent’s authority.

If you are an employee/former employee of a Jivox Corporation client that uses our application and services, please direct your requests and/or questions directly to your employer/former employer.

If you are a third party (auditor, business associate, etc.), who was given access to the Jivox Corporation application by a Jivox Corporation client, please direct your requests and/or questions directly to the Jivox Corporation client that gave you access.

Minors Under Age 16
Our application and services are intended for business use, and we do not expect them to be of any interest to minors. We do not intentionally collect any personal information of consumers below the age of 16. We do not sell the personal information of California consumers.

Last Updated: August 2024