AI-Powered Workflow


The First DCO Platform With AI Built-In Across The Campaign Lifecycle

Automated dynamic campaign workflows powered by generative AI enable marketers to save time and boost performance with personalization at scale.


Generate AI


Create new visual or copy assets to test and complement all your products.

Speed icon


Launch campaigns 80% quicker on average with automated workflows.



Let AI & ML algorithms optimize performance and present back insights.

An Image Is Not An Ad

Static Generated Images

Until today, generative AI solutions for marketing have been limited to generating static image assets and exist as standalone tools.

But there is so much more to an effective ad than that: relevant persuasive messaging, strong brand identity, competitive offers and products and a compelling call-to-action.

Jivox is the first enterprise DCO platform to build in AI and Machine Learning across each key stage of its familiar campaign workflows so marketers can reap the benefits of dynamic data-driven creative hand in hand with AI-accelerated processes.

Dynamic Creative Versioning

Generate Creative Assets

Generative AI is built directly into the Dynamic Canvas Studio so you can easily add new copy variations into the mix for testing or generate fresh backgrounds for your products without going back to the drawing board.

Generative Fill Ad example

Re-Size Assets With Generative Fill

Ensure assets fit into your brand master design perfectly every time. Smartly re-size any asset with Generative Fill to extend your scene and avoid awkward letterboxing.

Data-Driven Decisioning

True dynamic creative is completely connected to data. DecisionGraph enables brands to connect each element to first-party data, product feeds and more with machine learning algorithms that deliver personalization in real-time with minimal input.

Data-Driven Decisioning

Performance Optimization

Creative Auto-Optimization

Choose your KPIs and how aggressive you would like Jivox to allocate impressions and the Creative Optimizer will dynamically serve the best-performing combinations of assets.

Product Recommendations

Product Recommendations

Plug in your product feed and the Recommendation Engine will dynamically recommend products for users based on engagement signals, first-party sales data and user attributes.

Analytics GPT

Get instant clarity on performance so you can make the most informed decisions to drive ROI. With Jivox IQ Blaze Analytics, you can simply ask questions about campaign performance and receive a ready-made chart.

Responsible AI

An Opt-In Approach To Responsible AI

  • Generative AI features are entirely opt-in, so your brand can choose the extent of experimentation
  • Not just image generation; a thoughtful approach to automating processes and additive creative capabilities
  • Trained only on data in the open domain, free from copyright and customizable to your brand

Return On Automation

Automation drives results.
See how we cut resource costs, create time and boost ROI for our customers.

Content automation icon

Creative Automation
Lowers Costs

by 89% on average through cloud versioning

Workflow automation icon

Workflow Automation
Creates Time

by giving up to 80% of time back vs manual campaign management

Auto optimization icon

Boosts ROAS

by an average of 175% across industries via machine learning algorithms

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