Santa Saves Christmas with DCO Automation

‘Twas the LONG night before Christmas and all through the house,
not a creature was stirring because Adreanne was still working at the office.

As marketing manager,
she had visions of Boxing Day ad variations dancing in her head,
while her family at home dozed in their cozy beds.

As she began to fall asleep she heard such a clatter.
It was jolly old Saint Nick walking in from the elevator.

“Ho ho how are you still here at such a late hour?
And why is that look on your face so dreadfully sour?”

“Oh Santa.
My work on holiday promotions is far from over and so is my cheer.
And on top of all that, I don’t think you’re allowed in here.”

“Give me the details and I’ll see what I have in my sac,
And don’t worry about security, they’re taking a nap.”

So Adreanne detailed her workload in great haste
to an attentive Santa Clause who was red in the face.

“I’m running promotional offers and many campaigns.
I have quick-turnarounds on creatives, which are really a pain.

These dynamic time-dependent offers are slowing me down,
They’ve turned my expressionless face into a frown.

“I’m manually generating multiple tags and trackers,
and uploading to DSPs with errors and face smackers.”

Santa tried to respond, “I see your workload is growing.”
But Adreanne ignored him and just kept going.

“I’m producing hundreds of ad variations,
They’re based on contextual data triggers and micro-segmentations.”

“I’m integrating campaign data across multiple platforms you see,
I’m talking creative platform, campaign manager and DSP.”

When Adreanne looked up from her computer, St. Nick was asleep,
So she woke him up with the glow of a spreadsheet.

Santa rose to his feet knowing what to do and how to bustle,
for he used to buy ads for a leading beard oil brand;
It was his side hustle.

“So you need hundreds of creative variations for promotional offers.
You’re running them across all channels, depleting your coffers.”

“I also need to update ads periodically as well.”

“How long does it all take you?”


“Oh hell.”

“I can do it in minutes while taking a bath.”

“You can do it in minutes? Well you must be using templates,
Those simply won’t do with our branding element mandates.”

“You don’t have to use templates.
That’s a very old myth.

You can set up a creative master, generate variations,
in a quarter of a fifth”

“Wait, don’t DCO platforms have a complex decisioning logic and rule setup process?
If I set up variations how can I update items to cost less?

My promotional offers are only valid for a couple hours.
In the time it’ll take me the clear skies will be showers.”

“It’s actually quite simple, just upload a product feed and add some columns with data triggers.
Use simple filters to set a rule and watch your variation count get bigger.

Update your campaign with a simple adjustment to your feed.
Now sit back and enjoy adjusting campaigns with great speed.”

“Oh, this is just like v-lookup in excel.”

“It’s nice to see you weren’t born in a cell.”



“Santa Clause, you’ve saved me a couple of days!
Now all I need is eight hours to traffic the campaign.

I’ll get it all tracked in Google Campaign Manager (GCM),
I’ll set it up in our media platforms, you’ve reduced most of my anger.”

“You do realize that manual tracker sheets are a ghost of campaigns past?
Just link up DCO directly to GCM and you’ll have a blast.

Now apply trackers with all the parameters you need,
And soon you’ll be feet up with your favorite pint of mead.”

“No one drinks mead anymore, Santa, but you’ve given me the greatest gift.
Any other stocking stuffers before I finish my shift?”

“If you connect your DSP accounts like DV360 or TheTradeDesk,
you can automatically push all the necessary tags through in bulk—I don’t jest!

That’s what? 1 minute to push through 1,000 tags.
Put down that coffee and don’t forget your bag.”

“Now I can go all-out with thousands of tags.
I can track every creative detail, every colour, every bag.”

Adreanne was so delighted that she practically screamed.
“This can’t be real, this must all be a dream.”

She awoke from her unplanned nap, with work still on her plate.
Was her progress with St. Nick all just one big dream state?

But as she looked to her open laptop nestled by her feet.
There lay countless hours of work: wrapped up, complete.

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